Welcome to WebTitan!

Welcome to the home for WebTitan (Sugarloaf 5.01 or later Errigal release) product documentation.
If you are using WebTitan Cloud (4.17 or earlier), jump over to our WebTitan Cloud product documentation.
Please browse our guides from the menu bar, or use the search to jump straight to a topic you are looking for.
If you are a new Customer Administrator, take a look at WebTitan Customer Setup to get up and running.
If you are an MSP Admin, follow the steps in WebTitan MSP Setup.
If you have just recently been upgraded from WebTitan Cloud, see Upgrading to WebTitan Sugarloaf.
We are continuously improving our documentation as products are updated, so please check back regularly. If you have any feedback or comments specific to this documentation, please email docs@titanhq.com.