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WebTitan Release Notes

WebTitan is continually evolving, with each release offering new features and enhancements that provide you with even better web security. Updates are managed automatically, providing you with the very latest updates and fixes.

The release notes below outline the upgrades and improvements in our recent releases.


Errigal (5.04)

Released May 2024

In this release of WebTitan, a new security setting is introduced: Enforce Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for all Administrators. When this new Enforce 2FA setting is enabled, all admins must set up 2FA before they can log in and access the WebTitan system.

What's New?

  • If Enforce 2FA is enabled on an admin's account, the login flow is updated so that the admin must set up 2FA before logging into WebTitan.

  • The Administrators table is updated to show if 2FA is set up for each administrator.

  • An MSP Admin can reset 2FA for other MSP admins and their customer admins.


Errigal (5.03)

Hotfix (5.03.06), released December 2023

What Has Been Improved?

  • A copy & paste OTG Install URL field has been added to the Settings > Device Configuration page making all customer-specific OTG install details available in one location.

  • An alert now displays when attempting to delete the default admin account for a customer.

  • A new icon beside a virtual location name on the Environment > Locations page shows if that virtual location is in use by an OTG device and can not be deleted.

  • Up to one thousand records are now available on the Recent Traffic page at the Customer level.

What Has Been Fixed?

  • An issue with the page path & label being removed when resetting the Interface page (MSP level) has been resolved.

  • The Default Policy (Customer level) is now consistently showing the correct page title and text.

  • Password reset is now working as expected if a non compliant password is entered and subsequently corrected.

  • All OTG devices associated with a given location are now displaying as expected when that location is selected on the Environment > Locations page.

  • The sorting and filtering of users is now working correctly on the Environment > Users page.

Errigal (5.03), released July 2023

The Errigal (5.03) release brings a number of key improvements to WebTitan, particularly to the default policy and allow & block domains functionality.

What's New?

  • In addition to the three predefined filtering levels, an MSP and Customer admin can now create a Custom filtering level in the default policy to block the categories that best suit their environment.

  • When creating a custom policy, allow and block domains can now easily be inherited from a default customer policy. This option can be toggled on and off in the custom policy for ease of management.

  • Top level domains (TLDs) are now supported when adding an allow or block domain on the customer level and on MSP Global Domains level.

  • The custom block page has been updated with an improved layout.

  • A new Summary Report has been added that shows a snapshot of DNS requests over the last thirty days. This report allows the monitoring of any increase or decrease in usage over time, as well as any trends in allowed and blocked requests.

What Has Been Fixed?

  • Intermittent issue with polices not displaying on the policies page resolved.

  • An issue with exporting global domains has been resolved.

  • Blocked categories are now available on the default policy notification tab.

  • Ability to delete administrators from WebTitan has been restored.

  • Load speed has been improved on the Users page.

  • An issue preventing notification emails sending when a blocked site is accessed has been resolved.

  • Bug fixed that was causing a last contact date to display for devices that did not have a last contact date recorded.

  • The Administrator description field is not longer mandatory on update.

  • An issue causing a custom policy not to save after a custom policy named "Default" is added has been resolved.

  • A bug that was causing an issue deleting some customer accounts where DNS Proxy was in use has been fixed.

  • Issue when responding to DNS requests with RR type as HTTPS on port 53 has been fixed.

  • Issue preventing the adding of an allowed/blocked domain from the overview page shortcut has been resolved.

  • Description field is now optional when updating customer details.


Errigal (5.02)

Hotfix (5.02.20), released March 2023

With this hotfix, a license count field is now available to an MSP admin when adding a customer account to WebTitan. This is an optional field allowing an MSP to manually record the license count sold to a customer for billing purposes.

Errigal (5.02), released August 2022


Following on from the launch of the updated WebTitan interface with our Sugarloaf release, Errigal (5.02) brings a number of significant updates, including the introduction of a WebTitan reporting suite and data offload using APIs.

What's New?

  • A full suite of behavior, blocked, trend and security reports is now provided that allows you to view, filter and fully analyze DNS requests from the customer level. Go to the customer level and select Reporting. See Reporting.

  • Device exceptions have been introduced to the UI, replacing the need to make filter device configuration changes using raw JSON. With Errigal, two of the most common device exceptions, Bypass OTG and Use Specific Resolver, have been made available, with future plans for further device exceptions to be introduced. See Device Exceptions.

  • Data offload is now available via API, allowing you to bring your WebTitan data into your preferred data platform tool. An MSP or Customer administrator can download their data in GZIP format from an Amazon S3 bucket, using newly available APIs. See Data Offload (MSP) and Data Offload (Customer).

What Has Been Fixed?

  • Long URLs in the Domain field are no longer overflowing outside the block page container.

  • A custom image added to a block page is now scaled down if the image dimensions are larger than what is allowed to correctly display the block page.


Sugarloaf (5.01)

Released May 2022


Sugarloaf sees the launch of a newly designed, modern user interface for WebTitan.