Prerequisites for OTG for Windows Installation
Below are the prerequisites that must be met or considered before installing WebTitan OTG for Windows. Please read through this information carefully before installation.
The most recent version of WebTitan OTG for Windows (version 2.2.8) is supported and tested for the following Windows releases:
Supported Windows Release
Latest Windows Versions Tested with OTG
Windows 10
Version 22H2
Windows 11
Version 24H2
Virtual Machines are not supported for OTG.
WebTitan OTG for Windows must be installed on a machine running .NET Framework 4.8 or later. Check the following registry location to determine your current .NET Framework version:
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Version
You must have administrative privileges for the machine on which you are installing WebTitan OTG for Windows.
You need to know your WebTitan OTG URL, e.g. See WebTitan OTG URLs to determine your OTG URL.
You need your OTG install key during installation. You can get this in WebTitan from Settings > Device Configuration > OTG Install Key.
WebTitan OTG for Windows uses TCP port 7771 (inbound and outbound) for communication to WebTitan. Please ensure this port is not blocked.
WebTitan OTG also uses TCP port 8443 (inbound and outbound). Please ensure this port is not blocked.