Phishing Simulation MSP Overview
As an MSP admin, you can follow the information here to create and manage phishing campaigns for your customers.
Select Phishing Simulation > Overview to see a summary of phishing simulation activity for all your customers.
The following data cards display statistics for your customers based on the last 30 days:
Lures Sent
The total number of phishing simulation emails sent.
Lures Clicked
Total Number of unique clicks across all active and completed campaigns by all users. A unique click is defined as the first click by the user. Multiple clicks of the same lure are not counted.
At Risk/Protected
A comparison of your customers who are not enrolled in a phishing campaign (at risk) compared to those who are (protected).
Active Users/Licenses Issued
A comparison of the combined total of your customers' active users to the overall number of licenses that were issued by you. Select this box to go to License Usage, where you can monitor your relationship with your customer based on licenses and usage. Note that active users are M365 active licensed users. The number is updated daily based on the active user license.
Lures Sent vs Clicked
This chart lets you compare the combined total of all the lures sent in your phishing campaigns to the total number of lures clicked over a specific period.
When you log in for the first time, the Lures Sent vs Clicked graph will not display any data. You'll first need to create a campaign and enroll your customers. Then, when the campaign is active, the graph will become populated.
Phishing Simulation Customers
The table lets you see which of your customers are enrolled in phishing campaigns and those who are not, along with other phishing campaign details.
If you want to quickly enroll customers not already in a phishing campaign, select Enroll At Risk. See Enrolling At Risk Customers for more information.
To create a new phishing campaign, select Create Campaign. See Creating a Phishing Campaign for further details.
Use the Search box to search the list of customers and the list of campaign names.
Select the column icon to display the Customers table column names. Slide each on and off to show or hide a column.
The following definitions are useful as you consider the data:
Customer: The name of your customer.
Campaign Name: The name of your phishing campaign. Select the link to view campaign details.
Status: Indicates which customers are enrolled in phishing campaigns and those who are not, as follows:
If your customers are Protected, then this means they are enrolled in an active phishing campaign.
Customers with a status of At Risk means that they are not enrolled in phishing campaigns and are at risk of phishing attacks.