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SAT Monthly Report

As a customer admin, you'll be emailed a monthly Excel report, detailing your previous month's active SAT campaigns and details of your users enrolled in SAT.



In the Summary section, the following details are provided:


Data from SAT campaigns that were deleted during the month is excluded.

  • Active Campaigns: Number of campaigns the users were active in for the month.

  • Modules Sent: Number of modules sent to users this month.

  • Modules Completed: Number of modules completed by users this month.

  • Modules Not Completed: Number of modules not completed by users (for campaigns that completed this month).

  • High Risk Users: Number of users who did not complete all modules (for campaigns that completed this month).

  • Average Completion Rate: Average percentage of users that completed security awareness training for the month.

In the Users Enrolled in Security Awareness Training section, you can see the following information:

  • Name: Name of the user enrolled in a SAT campaign.

  • Email: The user's email address.

  • SAT Campaign: Name of the SAT campaign the user is enrolled in.

  • Send Date: Date when users are enrolled and emails containing links to the campaign training modules are sent.

  • Campaign Completion Date: Date by which training must be completed by users. Training must be completed by 11:59 pm on this date.

  • Module: Name of the training module assigned to the user.

  • Status: Indicates the status of the module.


    The training module has been assigned, and the link is active, but not completed.


    User has completed the training module on time.


    The campaign completion date has passed, and the training module link has expired and hasn't been completed.

  • Module Completion Date: Date when the user completed the the training module.