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Phishing Simulation Release Blog

October 2024

This month, when admins create a phishing simulation campaign, security awareness training is automatically assigned to any users who click on a lure.

Security Awareness Training Added to Phishing Campaigns

Security Awareness Training is now automatically assigned to any user who clicks on a lure in a phishing simulation campaign. They'll receive a notification email with a link to the training module, such Email Security or Data Protection.


September 2024

With the addition of data cards on both the MSP and Customer Overview pages, phishing simulation statistics are easy to find.

Data Cards Added for MSPs and Customers

This month, data cards have been added to the overview pages for both MSPs and customers. Admins can see at a glance the number of lures sent and clicked. MSPs can see the number of active users compared to licenses issued, and customers can see active users compared to the licenses they've purchased. Customers who are protected (enrolled in a campaign) or at risk (not enrolled) are also highlighted.



August 2024

This month, there's a major enhancement to the Phishing Simulation beta release! Phishing Simulation customers can now create and monitor their own phishing campaigns.

Customer Admins: Create and Manage Phishing Campaigns

With the Phishing Simulation beta release earlier this year, MSP admins were given the ability to create and manage phishing campaigns for their customers. Customer admins can now do the same. By sending targeted emails, customer admins can assess how well their users can spot and respond to phishing threats.

See the Phishing Simulation Customer Admin Guide for more details.



July 2024

July sees the rollout of monthly phishing simulation reports for MSPs and new details in the Campaign Details view!

Monthly Phishing Simulation Reports for MSPs

MSP admins now receive a monthly Excel report with details of their active phishing simulation campaigns. They can see a summary of all their customers in the Summary tab and individual customer data in subsequent tabs.

To learn more about the monthly report, go to Phishing Simulation Monthly Reports.


Click Count & Lure Subject added to Campaign Details page

When you access the Campaign Details page now, there are two additional details available. Clicks shows you the number of times a user clicked on a lure. Subject provides the subject name of the lure that was sent.

Just select the column icon on the Campaign Details page to choose the columns you want to display. For more information, see View Campaign Details.


June 2024

We've added a new Campaign Details overview!

View Campaign Details

The new Campaign Details overview lets you see specific details for a specific campaign, such as who is enrolled in the campaign and when lures are scheduled for delivery.

  • Go to Phishing Simulation > Overview.

  • In the Campaign Name column, locate the campaign whose details you want to view.

  • Select the campaign name, and the new Campaign Details Overview page is displayed.



Phishing Simulation Beta Release April 2024!

With the beta release of TitanHQ's Phishing Simulation solution, a selection of MSPs now have the ability to strengthen their organizations' security defenses against phishing attacks. By using the Phishing Simulation solution, they can create and monitor campaigns and assess how users respond to phishing threats. MSPs can also provide feedback during the beta phase.

Features in the Phishing Simulation beta release include:

Create Phishing Campaigns

An MSP admin can go to Phishing Simulation > Overview (or > Phishing Campaigns) to create phishing campaigns for their customers. Phishing lures containing deceptive links are sent to active users helping them to recognize phishing scams and become more vigilant. Campaigns of varying durations can be created with the option of auto-enrolling new customers.


Enroll At Risk Customers in Campaigns

From the Phishing Simulation Overview page, MSP admins can see at a glance their customers who are enrolled in phishing campaigns (Protected) and those who are not (At Risk).

By selecting Enroll At Risk admins can quickly and easily enroll their at risk customers.

Monitor Phishing Campaigns

Admins can see a list of their active and non active campaigns in Phishing Simulation > Phishing Campaigns. They'll be able to see how many customers are enrolled in campaigns, the number of active users, and the number of high risk users who interacted with campaign lures. The dates of the campaign and its status (Active or Planned) are also visible.



Send Test Lures

From Phishing Simulation > Phishing Campaigns, admins have the ability to send a test lure to themselves or anyone in their Azure tenant.