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Security Awareness Training MSP Overview

Security Awareness Training (SAT) enables you, as an MSP, to enhance your customers' cyber security knowledge. It is designed to make employees more aware of information security risks and encourage them to become a trusted first line of defense.

To get started, go to Security Awareness Training > Overview where you can schedule security awareness training and see a summary of SAT activity for all your customers. You can see which of your customers are enrolled in security awareness training and those who are not, along with other details.


Three data cards display the following statistics for your customers:

  • Modules Sent

    Total number of training modules sent to recipients for all campaigns over the last 30 days.

  • At Risk / Protected

    A comparison of your customers who are not enrolled in a security awareness training (at risk) compared to those who are (protected) for the last 30 days.

  • Active Users / Licenses Issued

    A comparison of the combined total of your customers' active users to the overall number of SAT licenses issued by you.


SAT Modules Completed vs Lures Clicked

The graph displayed in this section lets you view the correlation between completed SAT modules (in green) and clicked lures (in red). This can help you understand the effectiveness of security awareness training over a specific timeline. You have options to view it for all customers or a single customer, over various timelines, and in two different chart types.

  • SAT Modules Completed: This data is displayed in green and is based on modules that have been completed by customers.

  • Lures Clicked: The data for lures clicked is based on unique clicks by customers. A unique click is defined as the first click by the user. Multiple clicks of the same lure are not counted.

You can manage how the data is displayed as follows:

  • Customer List: By default All Customers is selected in the dropdown menu, which means that the data displayed is the average for all customers. To view the trend for a particular customer, select that customer from the dropdown menu. You'll notice that the graph changes from months to days at the bottom.

  • Time period: By default Last 12 Months is selected from the dropdown menu, so you'll see the data for that time period. To view the trend for a particular month, select that month from the dropdown menu.

  • Chart type switch: The chart is displayed in linear form by default. Click the toggle to switch the view to bar format.

  • Hover your mouse over the graph to display a summary for a particular date.

  • Select and de-select the labels to add and remove items from the graph.


Customers Table

The Customers table lets you see which of your customers are enrolled in security awareness training and those who are not, along with other details. Note that when you log in first, the list will be empty. You'll first need to schedule security awareness training and enroll your customers.

Use the Search PhS-Search.jpg  box to search the list of customers and SAT campaign names.

Select the column column-icon.jpg icon to display the Customers table column names. Slide each on and off to show or hide a column.

The following definitions are useful as you consider the data:

  • Customer: The name of your customer.

  • SAT Campaign Name: Name of the security awareness training campaign. To view details of a specific SAT Campaign, locate the campaign in this column, and select the link to learn more.

  • Enrolled Users: Number of users who have been enrolled or sent emails.

  • Modules: Number of modules that are assigned in this campaign.

  • Send Date: Date that training is emailed to users.

  • Completion Date: Date by which training must be completed by users. Following the completion date, users will no longer be able to access the training.

  • Completion Rate: Progress bar indicating the percentage of modules completed by all users.

  • Status: Indicates which customers are enrolled in SAT campaigns and those who are not, as follows:


    If your customers are Protected, then this means they are enrolled in Security Awareness Training that is active.


    Customers with a status of At Risk means that they are not enrolled in Security Awareness Training and are at risk of phishing attacks.


    No License means that your customer isn't licensed to use the Security Awareness Training solution. See Customers for information on adding solutions to your customer accounts.

To schedule Security Awareness Training, select Schedule SAT. See Schedule Security Awareness Training for further details.