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Retention Period Change Requests

The retention period refers to the number of days that emails are retained in an ArcTitan archive. The email date is used, and not the date on which the email was processed in the archive. Emails older than the retention period are permanently deleted on a daily basis.

If a user wants to request a change to the retention period, validation must be provided to the administrator who can then initiate the request. The Data Guardian of the archive is notified, who then approves or declines the request.


An administrator can also set Search Date Limits, enabling them to retain data for a longer period than is actually required, which id explained in Step 2.

As an admin, once you have received validation for the retention period change request, you can request the change as follows:

  1. In your ArcTitan archive, go to Adv. Configuration > Retention Limit, and then select Change Retention Period.

  2. In the Retention section, enter the following details:

    • Retention Period: From the dropdown menu select the timeframe of the retention period; that is, Days, Months, Years. Then enter the a number to indicate the length of the retention period for that timeframe.

    • Enabled: (Default = disabled) Select Enabled if you want to enable the rule itself.

    • Reason: Enter the reason for the retention period change request.

    If you want to adjust the Search Date Limits, you can also do that in this section:

    • Basic User Date Limit: Enter the amount of time, in Days, Months, or Years, that you want a Basic User to be able to search for emails.

    • Privileged User Date Limit: This is the amount of time, in Days, Months, or Years, that you want a Privileged User to be able to search for data.

    • Privileged User Exceptions: If there are Privileged Users who are excluded from the Search Date Limit, then they are listed here.

    Select Save.

  3. Select Submit. You can notify your archive's Data Guardian that you have submitted a request, and then wait for their approval.